Setting boundaries as a Cosplayer and Photographer

Collaborating with like-minded creatives can be an exciting and rewarding experience! However, it’s important for both the cosplayer and photographer to be aware of and establish boundaries to ensure a positive experience for all. Here are our best tips from the perspective of cosplayers and photographers on how to communicate - and say no when you need to!

As a Cosplayer

Know your limits and comfort zones

Before attending a convention or scheduling that shoot, think about your personal boundaries. This may include what poses, cosplays, or situations you are comfortable with - and be prepared to communicate these to your photographers!

Consent is key

You have the right to control your image and how you are captured, so don’t feel bad to say no if you don’t want to be photographed! If a photographer approaches you but you’re not comfortable you can always politely decline, or you could offer an alternative time or location that suits your comfort levels. 

Bring an emotional support bestie!

A backup bestie can help you monitor and enforce your boundaries so that you feel safe and respected during the shoot. They can also assist with stray wig fibres or cosplay adjustments when needed so you can focus on your photoshoot performance.

Be firm

Remember, no one can make you do something that you don’t want to - if a photographer persists after you have clearly declined, don’t be afraid to restate that you do not wish to be photographed firmly. If not, try physically leaving the location or locating a friend for backup.

As a Photographer

Seek consent

Always ask for permission before taking any photos - cosplay does not equal consent! Seeking consent shows you respect the cosplayer as a person and ensures a comfortable experience for all.

 Be mindful of poses and shots

Before capturing those stunning snaps, ask your subject if they have any angles or other boundaries to be mindful of. Everyone has different standards so make sure you understand what they are comfortable with. A cosplayer who is comfortable and feels confident in how they are being captured will come across in the photos!

 Communicate throughout the shoot

Throughout the shoot, regularly check in with the cosplayer to ensure they are comfortable and address any concerns or requests they may have. This open dialogue encourages more collaboration and they may have ideas on how to best present the character they are cosplaying!

 Express your limits!

If you’ve tired out from a full convention worth of shooting or simply done for the day, don’t feel bad to advise cosplayers you are not taking photos at the present. Your skills and time are up to you on how and when you want to use them! Otherwise, you can always try to set up another time to shoot with a cosplayer for when it suits you.

Establishing boundaries and respecting consent is crucial when working with photographers and cosplayers alike. Communication, consent, and knowing your comfort levels are key to ensuring a shoot is a positive experience.